3D Printing: Doing its Part to Save the Environment
Happy Earth Day! As we begin to emerge from the pandemic this year, other crisis which were forced aside are now reentering the scope, making climate change and supply chain deficiency some of the main crisis we will be confronted with. While many of us take conscientious actions as individuals to reduce our carbon footprint, the decisions we make as companies and organizations can have a far greater impact on climate change objectives. 3D printing has a positive impact on the environment: it reduces waste, lowers the carbon footprint, and supports the circular economy.
Consequences of Climate Change:
- Destruction of Ecosystems
- Melting ice caps -> Rising sea levels
- Coastal flooding -> Less Habitable Land
- Extinction of species -> Less biodiversity
- Extreme Weather Patterns
- Extreme droughts -> Decrease crop yield
- Higher storm frequency -> Loss of life and property
- Average temperature changes -> Potentially harmful species
- Threats to our Way of Life
- Global food supply at risk -> Starvation
- Decrease in habitable land -> “Climate refugees”
Environment Impact and Supply Chain:
With conventional supply chains, we are looking at 14 tons CO2e, but with 3D printing, we can reduce that to 0.8 tons CO2e.
Why Additive?
Additive manufacturing offers greater factory efficiency, allowing you to use less material while also having a far less carbon impact. Let’s explore some of the environmental benefits that 3D printing can have:
- Less waste
- Only print what you need
- Hollow infill structure
- Reduced energy consumption
- Lower power systems
- No oils/lubricants
- More space-efficient
- Size of a microwave
- Less land usage
Why Markforged?
Markforged has the world’s largest fleet of online industrial 3D printers, meaning when you have a part need, you can get those parts directly from an STL file immediately through digitized inventory no matter where you are in the world. Markforged makes a 3D printing ecosystem comprised of hardware, software, and materials. Every component of the system is purpose-built to be smart, robust, simple, and empowering. Investing in the digital forge gives you the ability to not only benefit your own organization’s needs by providing immediacy, digital inventory, organization, unparalleled security, and real-time improvement, but it also gives you the ability to better the environment.
As we continue with our mission of reducing carbon emissions and supply chain deficiency, we hope that you will join us on this journey. Click below to get your Markforged quote today!
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